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瞭新社双语报道| 异域美食亮相羊城——厄瓜多尔美食节于广州成功...









发表于 4 天前|来自:中国 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 IP:
“开启2023年的喜讯,中国和厄瓜多尔之间的(自贸协定)谈判已经圆满结束。”今年1月3日厄瓜多尔总统吉列尔莫·拉索在他的推特账号上写道。为促进两国文化交流与人员往来,推动厄商品对华出口,2月8日下午,由厄瓜多尔共和国驻广州总领事馆商务处和厄瓜多尔出口与投资促进局共同主办的“厄瓜多尔美食节”在广州举行,厄瓜多尔共和国驻广州总领事馆总领事马埃文(Edwin Martínez Bedón)、商务参赞彭保罗(Paúl Peñaherrera)以及各行企业代表出席了本次活动。










活动结束后,《瞭望新时代》杂志社(下简称“瞭新社”)国际新闻记者Keneuoe Ntene独家专访了彭保罗参赞。他向瞭新社记者表示,举办这次美食节活动主要目的是促进两国间的文化交流,让更多人了解来自厄瓜多尔的产品,推动更多产品出口中国,同时也希望能为厄瓜多尔带来更多的投资。据了解,2019年中国成为厄瓜多尔的第二大贸易伙伴,2022年中国成为厄第一大非石油产品出口目的地。厄对华前两大出口产品为对虾和铜精矿。厄瓜多尔也是中国在拉美地区重要的投资和承包工程合作伙伴,双方合作涉及电力、能矿、交通等众多领域。




彭保罗参赞接受瞭新社国际新闻部记者Keneuoe Ntene采访





Ecuador Food Festival, Guangzhou CHINA, featuring food show and promising liaisons for China-Ecuador Trade

Ecuador is home to enchanting islands filled with vibrant fauna and flora, so vibrant this theme extends amongst all areas of life including the mouth watering cuisine. Hearts bursting with excitement, we as the representatives of Outlook New Era enjoyed the liquid hospitality of the Ecuador culture hosted by the Ecuadorian Consulate General in Guangzhou China who bestowed it upon himself to share this with the world at the Pro Ecuador Food Festival on the 8th of February 2023. The rich ambience of this event enlightened the guests to the food culture, economy and future plans of Ecuador.

The year 2023 seems to have commenced with great endeavors as China and Ecuador build on a foundation that has been delicately groomed over time through endless efforts of building a rigid friendship. In this event, the opening speech was delivered by Mr Edwin Martínez Bedón, the Ecuadorian Consul General in Guangzhou China, who extended his greetings and appreciation to the audience and also introduced the event by giving us insight on the geographical specialty of Ecuador being a country of strong biodiversity hence its wealth in the agricultural industry. He continued to announce the popularity that Ecuador has gained abroad for its amazing cuisine and the variety thereof, as he concluded he handed over the crowd to Mr Paúl Peñaherrera, who is the Commercial Counsellor to lead the event ahead.

Mr Paúl Peñaherrera initiated the event with warm salutations, honoring the esteemed guests and in an exclusive interview with Outlook New Era. He talked about the development of the liaison between China and Ecuador and further detailed the plans they have to move forward. In previous articles it was hinted that there will be a free trade agreement between China and Ecuador. “Nowadays we have a very good political relation between both countries. We are very close to signing the free trade agreements. And this shows that the relations between China and Ecuador is in the best stage at the moment. So the Chinese citizens will start to learn more about our country and we will continue having this opportunity to introduce more about products,” said Paúl. He continued to elaborate on how this agreement is aimed at economically benefiting both nations respectively. Considering the exceptional efforts that China has undergone to offer resources, financial assistance and modernization of infrastructure in Ecuador, the prosperity of this agreement is inevitable.
Guests enjoying Ecuadorian delicacies

The most familiar businesses or products promoted by the Ecuadorian community in China are coffee, bananas, fish and other fresh products. However, Mr Paúl shared that they plan to introduce new or more products, such as chocolate and dairy products to the market and some of the products are the yellow petal dragon fruits which is already known in Hong Kong and other south Asian regions. Given the challenges that Mr Paúl mentioned of how at times the process of putting such plans in place can be slow or delayed due to unfamiliarity and curiosity of the Chinese people, this may cause glitches in some ideas or excessive delays in the business growing. These kinds of experiences that seem to have given birth to bigger, better and more thoughts through ideas that aim at getting the costs of the trade to be low. “We will have a reduction of the taxes until it will be zero taxes free to our brothers. And it will benefit almost all the products from Ecuador after entering to the Chinese market,” said Paúl. In this way, both countries are not just expanding but are also saving and growing the economy in general in the best ways as well.

Coherently, Mr Paúl mentioned a few local establishments situated in Guangzhou China that have prospered by trading products from the different parts of Ecuador. These businesses range from florists who infused the traditional red rose of Ecuador that can grow up to 1.8 meters high with some indigenous Chinese flowers. This combination was presented and showcased on the dining tables and some gifted to guests as a souvenir. The other businesses are coffee houses and a fish monger whose fish still arrives as fresh in China as it was in Ecuador. Speaking of fish, as the event progressed and we were delighted to tasting a few Ecuadorian delicacies that were statements of Ecuadorian culture. We were also graced with the opportunity to savour on refreshing flavors of the amazon coast and mingled with prestigious guests such as Mr Consul General- Edwin Martínez Bedón himself, Mr Hou Shengbao (侯胜宝) from Special Business Guidance for External Communication Center of Guangdong Radio and TV Station and other esteemed acquaintances who in the same manner of excitement were having a splendid time.

Equadorian cocktails

The dishes included a shrimp Ceviche which is a seafood dish that is commonly made in the coastal regions of Latin America. Ecuador’s frozen fish exports to China until October 2022, add to USD11.9 millions and 6,732 metric tons. The main exported varieties are butter-fish and ribbon-fish.


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